Source: app.js

 * @overview
 * @author James Feigel {@link|@jfeigel}
 * @description
 *  Custom Git script to compile JSDoc / ngdoc and deploy to gh-pages
 * @requires {@link|bluebird}
 * @requires {@link|chalk}
 * @requires {@link|Inquirer}

"use strict";

const Promise  = require("bluebird");
const chalk    = require("chalk");
const inquirer = require("inquirer");

const execSync = require("child_process").execSync;
const fs       = require("fs");

const config   = require("./config")();

const seperatorLine = "==============================";
const seperator     = `\n${seperatorLine}\n`

const squelch = "> /dev/null 2>&1";

let packageJSONExists = null;

// Object to easily access the runner setup functions
let runnerSetup = {
  "grunt": {
    "install": installGrunt,
    "configure": configureGrunt
  "gulp": {
    "install": installGulp,
    "configure": configureGulp

console.log(chalk.gray.bgCyan('           JS-PAGES           '));

// Initial question set and kick-off point
    "type": "list",
    "name": "runner",
    "message": "Which task runner will you use?",
    "choices": [
        "name": "Grunt",
        "value": "grunt",
        "short": "Grunt"
        "name": "Gulp",
        "value": "gulp",
        "short": "Gulp"
    "type": "list",
    "name": "docs",
    "message": "Which documentation generator will you use?",
    "choices": ["ngdocs", "jsdoc"]
    "type": "input",
    "name": "command_name",
    "message": "Name of custom Git command",
    "default": "pushdoc",
    "validate": function(value) {
      var pass = value.match(/^[A-Z]{1}([A-Z0-9-]+)?$/i);
      if (pass) {
        try {
          execSync(`git config -l --local | grep 'alias.${value}'`);

          if (overwriteAliasCommand === null || overwriteAliasCommand !== value) {
            overwriteAliasCommand = value;
            return "Alias already exists. Enter the same alias again to overwrite the current alias.";
          } else {
            execSync(`git config --local --unset-all alias.${answers.command_name}`);
            return true;
        } catch (err) {
          return true;
      } else {
        return "Please enter a valid command name";
    "type": "list",
    "name": "sudo",
    "message": "Are your npm packages installed with 'sudo'?",
    "choices": [
        "name": "No",
        "value": false,
        "short": "No"
        "name": "Yes",
        "value": true,
        "short": "Yes"
], init);

 * @function
 * @name init
 * @description
 *  Start setup after questions have been answered
 * @param {Object} answers - Answer values from the setup questions
function init(answers) {
  console.log(chalk.gray(`Setting up selected task runner: ${chalk.reset(answers.runner)}`));

  // Check if package.json exists
  try {
    packageJSONExists = true;

    console.log('package.json exists'));
    console.log(chalk.gray('Running npm install...'));
    // If package.json exists make sure all listed packages are installed
    execSync(`npm install ${squelch}`);
  } catch (err) {
    packageJSONExists = false;
    console.log(chalk.yellow('package.json does not exist'));
    console.log(chalk.gray('Creating package.json with default options...'));
    // If package.json does not exist then create a new, default one
    execSync(`npm init --force ${squelch}`);

  // Install documentation packages

  // Initialize the selected task runner
  // Compile the runner's template files
  runnerSetup[answers.runner].configure(, config['gh-pages'].name);

  // Configure the custom git script
  configureGitAlias(answers, config['gh-pages'].name);


 * @function
 * @name checkInstall
 * @description
 *  Check whether or not the given package is installed
 * @param {String} packageToCheck - Name of the package to check
 * @param {boolean} isGlobal - Is the package supposed to be installed globally?
 * @returns {boolean} Whether or not the package is installed
function checkInstall(packageToCheck, isGlobal) {
  let command = 'npm list';

  if (isGlobal === true) {
    command = `${command} -g`;

  command = `${command} --depth 0 ${packageToCheck} ${squelch}`

  try {
    console.log(`${packageToCheck} is installed.`));
    return true;
  } catch (err) {
    console.log(chalk.yellow(`${packageToCheck} is not installed.`));
    return false;

 * @function
 * @name installPackage
 * @description
 *  Install the given package
 * @param {String} packageToInstall - Name of the package to install
 * @param {boolean} isGlobal - Should the package be installed globally?
 * @param {boolean} isSudo - Should the package be installed using `sudo`?
 * @param {String} doSave - Should the package be saved in `package.json`? ```['save', 'save-dev']```
function installPackage(packageToInstall, isGlobal, isSudo, doSave) {
  let command = 'npm install';

  if (isSudo === true) {
    command = `sudo ${command}`;

  if (isGlobal === true) {
    command = `${command} -g`;

  if (packageToInstall !== null) {
    command = `${command} ${packageToInstall}`;

  if (doSave) {
    command = `${command} --${doSave}`;

  return true;

 * @function
 * @name configureDocumentation
 * @description
 *  Configure the documentation packages and gh-pages
 * @param {Object} answers - Answer values from the setup questions
function configureDocumentation(answers) {
  let docPackage = config.dependencies[answers.runner][];
  let ghpagesPackage = config.dependencies[answers.runner]['gh-pages'];

  console.log(chalk.gray(`Installing ${docPackage}...`));
  installPackage(docPackage, false, answers.sudo, 'save-dev');

  console.log(chalk.gray(`Installing ${ghpagesPackage}...`));
  installPackage(ghpagesPackage, false, answers.sudo, 'save-dev');

  if ( === 'jsdoc') {
    let jsdocConfFile = `${config.path.templates}/${[answers.runner]}/${config.jsdoc.conf}`;

    execSync(`cp ${jsdocConfFile} ./`);

  // Create empty `docs` folder
  execSync('mkdir docs');

 * @function
 * @name installGrunt
 * @description
 *  Install grunt as the task-runner
 * @param {Object} answers - Answer values from the setup questions
function installGrunt(answers) {
  console.log(chalk.gray("Installing 'grunt-cli' globally..."));
  installPackage('grunt-cli', true, answers.sudo);

  console.log(chalk.gray("Installing 'grunt' locally..."));
  installPackage('grunt', false, answers.sudo, 'save-dev');

 * @function
 * @name configureGrunt
 * @description
 *  Configure grunt templates
 * @param {String} runner - Selected task-runner
 * @param {String} docs - Selected documentation generator
 * @param {String} ghpages - Selected gh-pages script
function configureGrunt(docs, ghpages) {
  console.log(chalk.gray("Compiling the grunt template file..."));

  let templateFilePath = `${config.path.templates}/grunt`;
  let gruntfileName = 'Gruntfile.js';
  let gruntfileFiles = [

  let gruntfileExists = fs.readdirSync('./').some((file, index, array) => {
    return file.toLowerCase() == gruntfileName.toLowerCase();

  if (gruntfileExists === true) {
    console.log(chalk.yellow("Gruntfile.js already exists. Creating a temporary file instead..."));
    gruntfileName = `${gruntfileName}.tmp`;

  execSync(`cat ${gruntfileFiles.join(' ')} > ${gruntfileName}`);

 * @function
 * @name installGulp
 * @description
 *  Install gulp as the task-runner
 * @param {Object} answers - Answer values from the setup questions
function installGulp(answers) {
  console.log(chalk.gray("Installing 'gulp'..."));
  installPackage('gulp', false, answers.sudo, 'save-dev');

 * @function
 * @name configureGulp
 * @description
 *  Configure gulp templates
 * @param {String} runner - Selected task-runner
 * @param {String} docs - Selected documentation generator
 * @param {String} ghpages - Selected gh-pages script
function configureGulp(docs, ghpages) {
  console.log(chalk.gray("Compiling the gulp template files..."));

  let templateFilePath = `${config.path.templates}/gulp`;
  // gulp.config.js set up
  let gulpconfigName = 'gulp.config.js';
  let gulpconfigFiles = [

  let gulpconfigExists = fs.readdirSync('./').some((file, index, array) => {
    return file.toLowerCase() == gulpconfigName.toLowerCase();

  if (gulpconfigExists === true) {
    console.log(chalk.yellow("gulp.config.js already exists. Creating a temporary file instead..."));
    gulpconfigName = `${gulpconfigName}.tmp`;

  execSync(`cat ${gulpconfigFiles.join(' ')} > ${gulpconfigName}`);

  // gulpfile.js set up
  let gulpfileName = 'gulpfile.js';
  let gulpfileFiles = [

  let gulpfileExists = fs.readdirSync('./').some((file, index, array) => {
    return file.toLowerCase() == gulpfileName.toLowerCase();

  if (gulpfileExists === true) {
    console.log(chalk.yellow("gulpfile.js already exists. Creating a temporary file instead..."));
    gulpfileName = `${gulpfileName}.tmp`;

  execSync(`cat ${gulpfileFiles.join(' ')} > ${gulpfileName}`);

 * @function
 * @name configureGitAlias
 * @description
 *  Configure the custom git script
 * @param {String} runner - Selected task-runner
 * @param {String} docs - Selected documentation generator
 * @param {String} ghpages - Selected gh-pages script
 * @returns {Promise} Promise object that is resolved after Inquirer
 *                    and custom script creation completes
function configureGitAlias(answers, ghpages) {
  try {
    console.log(chalk.gray('Verifying git has been initialized...'));
    execSync(`git status ${squelch}`);
  } catch (e) {
    console.log(chalk.yellow('Git has not been initialized'));
    console.log(chalk.gray('Initializing git...'));
    execSync(`git init ${squelch}`);

  // Create the custom git script
  let gitFilePath = `./git-${answers.command_name}`;
  let stream = fs.createWriteStream(gitFilePath);
  stream.once('open', function(fd) {
    stream.write("git push \"$@\"\n");
    stream.write(`test $? -eq 0 && ${answers.runner} ${} && ${answers.runner} ${ghpages}`)

  // Make the script executable
  fs.chmodSync(gitFilePath, "0755");
  execSync(`git config --local --add alias.${answers.command_name} '!sh -c "./git-${answers.command_name}"'`);